
Tips on creating Personalized Email Content for each Phase of the Purchase Journey 

April 16, 2020

​Tips on creating Personalized Email Content for each Phase of the Purchase Journey

Updated April 15, 2020

The golden rule for any successful lead nurturing email campaign is personalization. A customer might be receiving dozens of emails per week, and the challenge lies with making sure that yours stands out. 

However, personalizing messages and content goes beyond adding a lead’s name in your introductory greetings. Don’t ever think that a mere “Hi Aaron!” is enough to secure a sale, or even a mere response! To make sure what you send has maximum impact, you have to step back from aggressively marketing your brand and focus on giving value instead. Ease their pain points. Clarify confusions.

After a thorough audience segmentation, you’ll get your hands on valuable data about your leads. From where they live to how often they have visited your website, these insights enable you to identify what phase of the purchase journey they are currently in. Trust me. Doing so will give you a superb compass in delivering the right content at the right time.

But what exactly does each phase of the journey look like, and how can you give leads that extra push to take a step closer to buying your product or service? Let’s dive into awesome tips on creating personalized content for your lead nurturing email campaign.

  1. Awareness Phase

This is when a lead first recognizes their need or problem. To paint things clearer, let’s assume that their phone smoked out so they definitely need a new one. In the awareness phase, they’ll make broad searches to know what options are available in the market. It’s likely that our imaginary lead will look up “best cheap phones 2020” on Google.

Hold your horses and understand that at this point, the lead is far from being ready to make a purchase decision.

Your goal: Make the customer aware of your company’s product line.

Best types of content:

  • Blog articles related to the leads’ interests (e.g. tips and tricks related to the customer’s situation)

  • Infographics or articles about industry statistics and latest trends

  1. Consideration Phase

After making your way into the lead’s pool of alternatives, they’ll move forward to evaluating each brand they took interest in. In this phase, it’s likely that our lead in need of a new phone will hop from one company website to another and browse through smartphone catalogs.

This is the phase where a customer will start weeding out the unworthy from their options, and you must leave no room for your brand to lose!

Goal: Convince your lead to study your products even closer, and let them realize that you should be in their top picks.

Best types of content:

  • Videos and infographics for product demos

  • Blog articles, webinars, or e-books on the importance of your product’s features and specifications (e.g. case studies and product guides)

  1. Decision Phase

With a shortlist of the most enticing products in the market, your lead is almost at the end of their purchase journey. The most analytical buyers will consult the web for expert advice and user testimonies in order to pick the final best choice.

More than ever, you have to stand out from your leading competitors!

Your goal: Show off your product’s main selling points and prove that your brand is the best in the market.

Best types of content:

  • Blog articles on success stories from your past customers

  • Offers for free trials

  • Blog articles about product comparisons and reviews

  • Infographics on your product’s KPIs as verified by customer testimonies

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